We support students throughout their entire journey to a successful life: to and through college. We offer college admissions services, college success coaching services, and academic crisis management services.

Students who engage in a process of self-discovery and education create authentic, competitive college applications, and gain admittance to Deep-Fit™ institutions where they can thrive. 

Through personalized attention, we facilitate a thoughtful, bespoke college search process, which helps students to better understand themselves so that they are able to powerfully demonstrate what they will bring to a campus and what the campus will offer them.

Deep-Fit College Admissions Services

How early will we start?

8th and 9th grade students, and sophomores benefit from a head start on planning for the key components of a strong college application, including standardized testing, high school course selection, summer activities, and college visits.

How frequently will we meet?

Typically, we will meet once or twice in the early years of high school, monthly junior year, and weekly in the fall of senior year. We continue our advising through the final college selection, including wait list management, if necessary.

What Services are Included?

  • Up to 50 hours of dedicated counseling services through senior year | $14,500

    • Everything in Deep-Fit (see For Sophomores & Juniors below)

    • 9th and 10th grade course selection

    • Customized 9th and 10th grade summer activities

    • Longer relationship with counselor

    • Early choices to maximize options

  • Up to 40 hours of dedicated counseling services through senior year | $12,500

    • Assist with all stages of completing college applications

    • Junior and senior year course selection

    • Customized junior and senior year summer activities

    • Standardized testing plan

    • Academic strengths and potential major assessment

    • Unlimited access to Lantern’s online platform

    - Homegrown college research materials

    - Customized college list with admissibility assessment

    - Timeline and task list for applications

    - Personal statement and supplemental essay support

    - No limit on schools, platforms, or essays

    - US and Canadian schools

    - Interview preparation

    - Final college selection support

    - Additional consultations as needed

    - School-based counselor coordination, as needed

    - Guidance for making the most of college

  • Up to 30 hours of dedicated counseling services | $12,500

    • Similar to Deep-Fit (see For Sophomores & Juniors above)

    • Space permitting

  • Up to 20 hours of dedicated counseling services | $10,000

    • Similar to Solid Deep-Fit (see For Rising Seniors, above)

    • Space permitting

  • Up to 10 hours of dedicated counseling services | $4,000

Support for applying to schools outside the US and Canada, fine and performing arts programs, service academies, and competitive summer programs available at an additional fee. Accommodating an international time zone may incur an additional fee.

Two students in graduation caps and gowns jumping for joy

Learn more about our Deep-Fit approach and why Deep-Fit college counseling is an investment in your child’s future.

Where is your child on their journey to find their Deep-Fit? Access our Deep-Fit Assessment tool.

Targeted College Admissions Advising

In addition to our comprehensive services, we offer families targeted admissions expertise tailored to their needs. While our extensive interdisciplinary experience enables us to support a range of student journeys, we most commonly provide targeted advising in the areas of STEM. We also support students to apply to college with strength and optimize outcomes despite an academic interruption due to medical issues, life circumstances, academic integrity and disciplinary challenges, or other emergency. The advising relationship can differ depending on your unique circumstances. $500 per hour

College Success Coaching Services

Drawing on over 6o years of collective experience supporting college students to achieve successful college experiences at Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Olin College of Engineering, Wellesley College, and Tufts University, we will build a trusting relationship with your student, guide them to a strong start to college, and help them lay the foundation for a thriving college career.

What Services are Included?

  • First semester support: Up to 10 hours of support May 1 of senior year through the first semester of college | $3,000

    • Meetings at key times (summer Orientation, start of term, fall/winter/spring registration, before midterms and finals) and as needed

    • Assistance with completing required Orientation tasks

    • Assistance with fall, winter, and spring semester course selection and registration

    • Guidance for making the most of college:

      • Academic success (assist students in developing good study and work habits to complete both regular school work and longer-term projects)

      • Identify and facilitate connection to specific college resources needed by the student (for example, academic resource and support center, tutoring and academic services, academic advising, preprofessional advising, accessibility support, health services, cultural and identity centers, scholar or leadership development, etc.)

      • Build community and mentors (including connecting with faculty members, finding a fulfilling co-curricular activity or group to join)

      • Develop academic and career direction and determine a major

    • Support for parents to be connected yet foster their student’s independence

    • High-touch, responsive help for questions that arise

    • Benefits all students, especially those not matriculating at their home campus (i.e., start abroad)

    First year support: Up to 20 hours of support May 1 of senior year through the first year of college | $5,500

    • Everything above

    • Biweekly 30-minute meetings throughout the first year of college to stay on course

    • Sophomore year fall course selection and registration in the spring semester

    • Guidance for making the most of the summer after the first year of college

  • Up to 20 hours of sustained support over two terms | $5500

    • Accountability through biweekly 30-minute meetings, including at key times (during start of term, fall and spring registration)

    • Guidance for making the most of college:

      • Academic success (assist students in developing good study and work habits to complete both regular school work and longer-term projects)

      • Identify and facilitate connection to specific college resources needed by the student (for example, academic resource and support center, tutoring and academic services, academic advising, preprofessional advising, accessibility support, health services, cultural and identity centers, scholar or leadership development, etc.)

      • Build community and mentors (including connecting with faculty members, finding a fulfilling co-curricular activity or group to join)

      • Develop academic and career direction and determine a major

    • Course selection and registration

    • Guidance for summer planning with an eye to post-college and career plans

    • Support for parents to be connected to yet foster their student’s independence

    • High-touch, responsive help for questions that arise

    Targeted support, 4 hour minimum| $500 per hour

    Specialties include:

    • Major discernment and career advising

    • Navigating a return from a leave of absence from the institution (return process, transition back to success)

    • Moment of personal or academic transition and reevaluation of college direction

    • Guidance about possible transfer to another institution (learn more)

    • Guidance about coursework away from home institution for transfer of credit and degree progress (learn more)

College graduates throwing their caps in the air in joy.

Learn more about our deep experience and how we can help your student be successful in college.

Academic Crisis Management Services

We have over 60 years of experience supporting college students to manage academic crises as deans at Harvard University, Wellesley College, and Tufts University. Beyond individualized student support, we run the academic review and standing processes at our institutions and help students facing disciplinary sanctions, so we know exactly how these processes work and how to navigate them best. At Lantern, we bring this expertise to support students enrolled at a wide range of colleges and universities.

If your student is facing an academic crisis or disruption to their education, we are the experts with the insider’s view you want in your corner.

What Services are Included?

  • Apply with strength and optimize outcomes. See our college admissions services.

  • Targeted support | $500 per hour, 4 hour minimum

    Specialties include:

    • Recovery from academic difficulty and academic standing sanctions (academic alert, academic probation, academic withdrawal)

    • Managing academic interruptions due to medical issues, life circumstances, or other emergency 

    • Navigating a return from a leave of absence from the institution (return process, transition back to success)

    • Expert support for academic integrity or disciplinary challenges

Two students celebrating their college graduation

Learn more about how our expertise can help your student facing an academic crisis.