What Classes Should You Take If You Are Applying For An Engineering or Computer Science Major In College?

High school student in calculus class writing at the blackboard

While every student's grades and classes are important for college admissions, certain classes will enhance your application if you're applying to college to study engineering or computer science (CS). No other application component will even be considered if a student does not have strong grades in a rigorous STEM program. Students must meet the basic academic benchmarks for a school to move into the application pool that is scrutinized for admission. Only at that point are the other components, such as extra- and co-curricular activities, essays, test scores, references, etc., examined.

It is absolutely critical that students make thoughtful course selections at their high school. Taking classes beyond what their high school offers can also enhance an application and help a student stand out. A student's options will be limited without a strong academic backbone to their application.

This article is tailored to students pursuing engineering or computer science majors. Our article What High School Classes Should I Take To Get Into The Best College? provides more general guidance for all students, regardless of their major.

If you want to study engineering or computer science, what high school classes should you take?

General academic expectations

Students should take all five core academic subjects (mathematics, natural sciences, English, world language, and history and social sciences) for all four years of high school. Students should not forgo core academic subjects in their freshman, sophomore, or junior years.

Engineering and computer science expectations

It might be reasonable for an aspiring engineering or CS student to choose not to take one of the non-STEM core academic subjects for their senior year. In this case, they should replace it with math, science, engineering, or computer science classes to maintain rigor. For instance, a student could take an extra STEM class instead of a fourth year of world language or history. 

When deciding whether to drop a core academic subject, you should carefully consider where you are applying. At a technical institute or within an engineering school at a university, admissions officers may be more forgiving about a student missing a fourth year of language or history and, in some cases, may even prefer a “pointier” STEM academic pathway. For instance, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) omits mention of world language in their ideal preparation. However, even technical institutes like MIT value a student’s non-STEM preparation.

Colleges and universities require letters of recommendation from one or more teachers from the five core academic subject areas (see our guidance for securing strong teacher recommendations.) Most engineering schools don’t ask for teacher references in specific subject areas, but STEM powerhouses MIT and Harvey Mudd College require a recommendation letter from a humanities, arts, social science, or language teacher, underscoring the importance of non-STEM subjects for CS and engineering.

At a university or a small liberal arts college that provides degrees across various disciplines with non-STEM requirements (such as humanities, arts, and social sciences, foreign language), admissions officers will want to see that you excel in a high level of rigor in a broad range of academic areas, including the five core ones, regardless of intended major.

So, the recommendation to take all five core academic subjects for all four years needs to be considered within the context of the type of schools a student is applying to.

A school’s degree requirements will give you valuable insights about what you would be studying there AND the skills and preparation an institution values and seeks. For instance, did you know an engineering student must take two theology courses at the University of Notre Dame? With its expectation that students take two theology courses, Notre Dame will look for engineering students who can read and write well. 

Another example is an institution like Tufts University or Northwestern University, where students can study CS within a School of Arts and Sciences or a School of Engineering. At Lantern, we recommend that students applying to this type of institution to the School of Arts and Sciences take all five core academic subjects for all four years because such schools typically have a set of broad distribution requirements, including social sciences, humanities, arts, math, natural sciences, and world language. On the other hand, if a student is applying to a School of Engineering, we might soften that recommendation based on the student’s strengths and interests and their overall academic profile because the school will have more STEM and fewer humanities, arts, and social sciences course requirements and typically no foreign language requirement. 

Many institutions have clear and potentially different requirements for their distinct schools. For instance, the University of Michigan and Rochester Institute of Technology are transparent about the high school course expectations for their Colleges and Schools.

High school students in class

Do you need help choosing your high school classes for CS and engineering applications?

High school class selections are critical due to grade inflation and test-optional policies

A rigorous academic program, including all five core academic subjects for four years, will open the most doors for most students.

Such a program is crucial for making a competitive application to highly selective schools because many students who apply to them will have met this benchmark.

The impact of high school grade inflation on college admissions

A rigorous academic program is even more important now than ever since high school grade inflation is rampant. Indeed, according to the UCLA American Freshman Survey, 70% of students matriculating at a 4-year college have an A-/A/A+ high school average. That is, a high school transcript with all A grades is not unusual. It does not differentiate students and does not help them stand out. It is the norm. So, when most students have all As, rigor, rather than grades, can set them apart.

The impact of test-optional policies on college admissions

A rigorous academic program is also particularly important if a student is applying to a school under a test-optional plan and is not sending standardized test scores. This is because there are fewer application components to evaluate, so each has greater importance.

The impact of the applicant pool on college admissions

If you are in doubt about what classes to take, ask yourself, what classes have past students at your high school - those who recently gained admission to study engineering or computer science at the schools you'll be applying to - taken? What classes are your peers at your high school – those who will be applying to study engineering or computer science at the schools you'll be applying to – taking? Admissions officers will compare you to them. Of course, other application components come into play, too, but generally, the students with the strongest grades in the highest levels of rigor will see the best application outcomes.

How can you maximize the rigor of your academic program?

Some engineering and CS students creatively make space in their schedule to maximize the rigor of their high school program and earn their strongest grades. For instance, taking physical education or other classes through their high school’s summer school or world language online through a school like LanguageBird can enable students to meet the breadth expectations of all five core academic subjects for four years AND achieve STEM depth.

Be aware that when you apply to college, your high school counselor will provide a school profile that includes details about your high school curriculum so admissions officers will know what your school offers.

Which AP classes should you take if you want to study computer science or engineering?

If you have to pick and choose where to extend yourself for rigor, CS- and engineering-interested students should lean into the STEM areas. Beyond taking math and science all four years, be sure to take:

  • the highest math level at your high school

  • a year each of biology, chemistry, and physics at rigorous levels

  • engineering-related curricula tracks or electives, such as AP Computer Science

If AP BC calculus is offered, admissions officers will expect to see that you have taken it. Likewise, admissions officers will expect you to have taken AP Physics C, if available, at your school. Many students planning to major in CS or engineering in college will have taken AP CS A. Getting strong grades in these math and science courses is important.

If your high school doesn’t offer one or more of these AP classes, you could take them outside your high school, such as through UCScout or 2Sigma School. You could also self-study and take the exam. 

These choices showcase your interests and competencies and will enhance your application. 

How many AP classes should you take?

Students often ask us, “How many AP courses should I take?”

Students should take the highest level of courses their high school offers, as many classes at this level as possible, and which they can manage while maintaining all (or almost all) A grades, emotional and physical health, and engagement in other important parts of their lives —such as time with friends and family and extracurricular activities. In other words, while remaining healthy and happy. When we guide students about course selections, we take a look at their past levels of rigor and how they managed the course loads. If reasonably well, then it may make sense to step up the level of rigor and add additional honors or AP courses. An inclining record where the student has increased the rigor and grades each year is positive.

high school student at her desk in class

Do you have questions about which AP classes to take for engineering and CS applications?

What other classes will boost your admissions chances for engineering or computer science?

If you’ve exhausted the STEM curriculum at your high school and can take on additional coursework while maintaining strong grades, mental and physical health, and engagement in other important parts of your life consider taking further classes outside your high school. Additional math, engineering, and CS courses will show your interests and competencies and add to your application.

For math, depending on what you’ve already taken and are thus prepared for, you could take multivariable calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and discrete math. For CS and engineering, again, depending on your preparation and what you’ve already taken, you could take an advanced programming course, such as data structures, website design, an introduction to artificial intelligence, engineering design or principles, or a course addressing social and ethical issues in CS or engineering, as just a few examples. Learning a new programming language is also a possibility, although learning new skills and ideas (not just a new language) may be more valuable.

Formal college or university courses are also possibilities. Some high schools have relationships with colleges or universities to provide dual enrollment. Does yours? If so, this is a natural choice.* If not, nearby colleges or universities may be an exciting option during the school year or summer.

There are also pathways available to all students, such as massive open online courses (MOOCs) like those available at EdX and Coursera. Harvard CS 50 is a popular course available through EdX that many students take. Codepath and Google Skillshop also provide choices for students. Many of these courses are free.

*Typically, admissions officers regard AP and dual-enrollment classes as equally rigorous.

What if a part of your academic record is weak?

The common application has an optional prompt in its writing section, often called “the additional information section.” The prompt reads: “You may use the space below to provide any additional information you wish to share.” Its length is a maximum of 650 words. If you have weak parts of your academic record, you may use this section to ensure your academics are understood in the best possible light.

For instance, if you could not take a fourth year of language because of a scheduling conflict or you exhausted the options at your high school, or if you chose not to continue with a language due to a learning challenge or difference, you may want to provide an explanation so admissions officers can understand why you don’t have four years of a language. If you do provide one, such an explanation should be short and to the point. Do not protest too much or make excuses. Just give the facts.  

Any anomaly in your high school coursework, especially related to your STEM preparation — for instance, a weaker grade or a dip in rigor — should be addressed so admissions officers can fairly understand your academic preparation and choices. Assuming an explanation would be helpful, it should be concise.

Beyond classes and grades, what else can you be doing to strengthen your engineering or CS application?

Beyond rigorous STEM courses in high school with strong grades and courses that augment your high school’s offerings, what else can you be doing to strengthen your application?

* This list is meant to be illustrative and is not exhaustive. 

Because your grades are the most essential part of your application, prioritize your academics!

Don’t miss our complete guides to apply to college as a CS or engineering major: The College Application Process for Computer Science (CS) Majors and The College Application Process for Engineering Majors. Also, see our detailed roadmap for How to Apply to College (With Timeline).

High school student in an engineering class

Are you applying to college to study engineering or CS? We can help you make your strongest applications!

Jennifer Stephan

Jennifer Stephan is a college admissions, college success, and academic crisis management expert based in Massachusetts, serving families worldwide. Read more.


What High School Classes Should I Take To Get Into The Best College? 


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